Matthias - Reredos
These two axes commemorate Matthias, who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot after Jesus had ascended.
Matthias was no newcomer to the scene. While not originally one of the Twelve, he had been following Jesus from the time of Jesus’s baptism (Acts 1:21- 22). He was chosen by lot over the other nominee Barsabbas. Casting lots was not considered like today’s lottery, a random result determined only by chance. Casting lots is an old pagan tradition that left the decision to some divine power, which would influence the fall of the tokens or stones. This is made explicitly clear: “Then they prayed and said, ‘Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place” (Acts 1:24-25). Thus Matthias was the only disciple not to have been chosen by Jesus.
We hear little more of Matthias after that. As with Simon the Zealot, he had a non-speaking part, mentioned only to return the number of (now) apostles to the magic Twelve. Tradition has him preaching near the Caspian Sea and in what is now modern-day Georgia. Details of his martyrdom are conflicting, possibly stoned in Jerusalem and then beheaded.
Dickerman Hollister, Jr. MD
A prayer for further meditation:
Almighty God, we remember Matthias,
Chosen to fill the apostolic ranks with grace.
May we, like him, respond to your calling,
Faithful and steadfast, in your love abiding.