Bible Studies &
Adult Christian Formation

Choose from a wide variety of options at Christ Church Greenwich

  • Advent Bible Study on Amos with Rev. Tim

    Fridays, Dec 6 - 20
    9:00 am - 10:00 am | Library

    Join Rev. Tim for this brief (3 week!) study of the Book of Amos. One of the shorter books in the Hebrew Scriptures, the writings of the prophet Amos are fiery and justice oriented. Though this may seem like an odd choice for the ’Christmas season’, it is a good reminder of the ways in which God’s justice is not human justice and that during Advent we are also waiting for the Second Coming of Christ (not just a sweet little baby in a manger).

  • Women's Advent Study, Calling All Angels: An Advent Study of Fearlessness and Strength by Erin Wathen

    Thursdays, Dec 5 - Dec 19
    8:30 am - 9:45 am | Chapel

    Life can be daunting, filled with uncertainty and fears. It wasn’t any different two thousand years ago when Jesus was born. Calling All Angels asks us to contemplate what would change in our relationships, vocations, congregations, and communities if we have the courage to overcome our fears like Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and the Shepherds in the story. 

    Purchase the book HERE

  • Terry Elsberry's Wednesday Bible Studies christ church greenwich

    Rev. Terry Bible Study/Discussion

    Every Wednesday Morning
    10:00 am | Chapel
    in-person or on Zoom (
    link here)

    Rev. Elsberry will continue his 3-part series discussing some of the most important people in Advent - Mary, Joseph, and the Wise Men.

  • Grief Support Group with Mary Cattan

    Every Wednesday
    1:00 - 2:30 pm | Family Room

    Join a small group of friends in a welcoming, safe and comforting place. Together we’ll share courage and hope as we work through the difficult feelings of grief.

  • Friday Morning Bible Study with Rev. Tim

    Friday, January 10 - June 20
    9:00 - 10:00 am | Library

    Join Rev. Tim for a deep, insightful, (and often amusing!) discussion of scripture. We’ll be working our way through Paul’s letters to the Romans and (first) Corinthians during Epiphany and Lent. And then after Easter we’ll dive in the Book of Daniel!

  • “God’s Man For Today,” A Men’s Bible Study of John with Terry Elsberry

    7:00 - 8:30 pm | Family Room

    Men’s Bible Study IS BACK! Family Room, every Wednesday through December 11. in-person only.

  • Women’s Bible Study

    8:30 - 9:45 am | Chapel

    The women of the parish are warmly invited to study the Acts of the Apostles. Come and learn how the twelve apostles collectively guaranteed the early church’s continuity with Jesus. Acts connects the four Gospels to the collection of letters that follow. It’s an exciting piece of Scripture. The class is facilitated by Deacon Susie McNiff, and the women of the parish.

  • Lenten Bible Study for Young Adults (ages 20-50) with Rev. Tim

    Tuesdays March 11 -  April 15
    7:30 - 8:30 pm | Dogwood Mezzanine

    Join Rev. Tim and younger adults during Lent for a deep dive into Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians. After Jesus, Paul is arguably the most important figure in Christian history; join us as we read his personal correspondence with an early Christian community that he helped found.